+ We believe in a triune God – the Creator, Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh, and the Holy Spirit.
+ We believe that Mary, the Mother of Jesus, is rightly called Mother of God (Theotokos), and she is worthy of honor and intercessory prayer. She is the model of humility for which we should strive to emulate.
+ We honor the Saints and Martyrs of the Church, and pray for their intercessory help and guidance.
+ We believe that the Holy Scriptures are divinely inspired and are the living Word of God.
+ We believe in the three Ecumenical Creeds: Nicene, Apostles, and Athanasian.
+ We believe and accept the doctrines of the seven Ecumenical Councils of the early Church. We also respect the teachings of the early Church leaders.
+ We believe in One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. We recognize the pope as the bishop of Rome, who is rightly considered the first among equal bishops. However, we do not accept the doctrine of papal infallibility. The faithful are free to accept or reject any doctrine issued “ex-cathedra” by the pontiff.
+ We believe and administer Seven Sacraments – Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation, Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick, Matrimony, and Holy Orders.
+ We believe in and hold valid Apostolic Succession of Holy Orders.
+ We believe in Transubstantiation, the elements of bread and wine are transformed into the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ during the liturgy of the Eucharist.
+ We believe that all people are welcome at the Table of the Lord. Holy Eucharist is open to any individual who desires to receive the Body and Blood of Jesus.
+ We believe that the call to the priesthood and the diaconate are open to all people of good will – men and women, heterosexual or LGBTQI, married or single.
+ We believe the sacrament of Marriage is a lifelong commitment between two people who love one another, regardless of gender or gender identity, and are united before God and the Church. However, we also understand that in some marriages, there may be circumstances or conditions that break down the bond of marriage and make life within that relationship unbearable or perhaps even dangerous. Therefore, while unfortunate, divorce may be an appropriate decision after prayerful consideration. The Church welcomes people who have been divorced or remarried to all of the Sacraments without the need of an annulment.
+ We believe that family planning (contraception) is a personal decision that is made between two individuals.
+ We believe in the sanctity of human life and believe that all life must be respected and protected. As a people, we must do a better job at creating opportunities for women to choose life over abortion. However, a decision to end a life through euthanasia or abortion is painful and difficult and should only be made with prayerful consideration of all other options. In embracing God’s love and mercy, the Church does not exclude or stand in judgment of any individual who, after careful and deliberate evaluation of all other options, elects to have an abortion or to end his or her own life.
+ We believe that respecting life includes adequate funding for education, nutrition, and healthcare for people at all stages of life, including access to a fair and living wage.
+ We believe that all people are created in the image and likeness of God. Therefore, every person is worthy of equal treatment, love, and respect. God’s love excludes no one and God’s Church must embrace the dignity of every person by standing on the side of social justice, economic justice, and equality.
+ We believe in gospel values of faith, hope, and love. The command of Jesus to "Love God with your whole heart, with your whole mind, and with your whole soul, and to love your neighbor as yourself” is the call of every Christian and person of good will. Such a standard of living manifests itself in global concern for all people, especially the marginalized, disenfranchised, persecuted, and those who suffer injustice of any kind.
+ We believe it is the call of every Christian to maintain responsible stewardship of our planet, including natural resources and habitat.